40th Anniversary Celebration - 10/27/13

On this day the Lord hath made, friends from near and far joined together in observance of the 40th anniversary of the marriage of Father Andrew and Matushka Georgette Matychak, his ordination to the Holy Priesthood, and their joint ministry to the Orthodox communities of Altoona, Ganister, and Colver.

After the Divine Liturgy, a thanksgiving meal was held at The Blairmont Club in Hollidaysburg.  Stirring video tributes were delivered by the Matychak’s son, Jon-Paul, Father Andrew’s extended family, and the sisters of Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Ellwood City.

Presentations to Father and Matushka were made by the children of the parishes, Father John Govrusik, and Mrs. Irene Kohute.  Ron Skvir, who chaired the event, discussed the St. Tikhon’s Married Student Housing Project and how beautiful it would be for the churches to make a contribution to the seminary in honor of the Matychak’s.  To conclude the festivities, Father Andrew reflected on the past 40 years, the faith of God’s people, and the love and support he and Matushka have been blessed to receive.  A wonderful time was had by all.

May God grant Father Andrew and Matushka Georgette many, many years! 

Father Andrew making the Little Entrance.
The people sing along with the choir, which was directed by Mrs. Irene Kohute.
Father Andrew censes before the Icon of Christ.
The reading of the Epistle.
Father Andrew gives a homily from the heart.
Father Andrew fans the gifts during the reciting of the Creed.
"Take, eat. This is my Body which has been broken for you--for the remission of sins."
Father Andrew elevates the Holy Gifts.
Father Andrew communes a child of the parish.
Mrs. Gresh kisses the cross at the end of the Divine Liturgy.
Parishioners enjoying each other's company and dessert.
Parishioners enjoying each other's company and dessert.
Parishioners enjoying each other's company and dessert.
Parishioners enjoying each other's company and dessert.
Parishioners enjoying each other's company and dessert.
Parishioners enjoying each other's company and dessert.
Parishioners enjoying each other's company and dessert.
Mr. Ron Skvir offered testimony on the Matychak's commitment to service.
Mrs. Irene Kohute speaks about Father Andrew before awarding him with a purple heart.
The children bring Father Andrew and Matushka Georgette flowers.
Final remarks by Father Andrew.